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The best homework ever! Printable activity sheets

  • by: Anna from Pobble
  • On: 30, Jun 2021
12 min read

Anna from Pobble

Anna from Pobble
3 min read

The best homework ever! Printable activity sheets

Homework? How can that be exciting, Pobble? Well, let us tell you…

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Free writing resource: The secret lives of teachers

What do teachers REALLY do in the school holidays? You know the truth, but what do your class think you get up to during the break?

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Here's how to get even more out of Pobble 365!

Love Pobble? Here are some simple tips and tricks to try to help you get the most out of it...

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Literacy through sport - using sport to inspire writing

How do you get children to be motivated to write? You give them something they're passionate about as a focus for their work and we know that many kids are passionate about sport! This is why we came ...

9 ways to use Pobble 365

As teachers ourselves, we know how hard you work. We know the effort that goes into repeatedly creating exciting and memorable lessons for your pupils; that’s why we created Pobble.

5 'would you rather' quick writing activities

It’s likely you’ve heard of the ‘would you rather’ game or maybe even played it. It’s perfect as an ice-breaker, conversation starter or just as a bit of fun! But have you considered using ‘would you ...

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How publishing children’s writing can improve standards

Teachers get to read some incredible work and frequently, we are the only ones who get to read it. We’re often bowled over with its sheer imagination and force (for young writers can transliterate the...

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How to create an awesome Pobble class display

You can raise the profile of writing across your school by celebrating your newly published young authors through assemblies, newsletters and displays. A Pobble display is an excellent way to showcase...

Funny writing ideas to get your class smiling!

Looking for a mood boost for you and your class? It starts with a smile and before you know it you've got guaranteed giggles! Smiling or laughing activates and relieves your stress response. Engaging ...

5 spring-themed quick writes

If you've got a few minutes spare and want to work on your pupils writing skills, then Pobble's quick writes are ideal. They begin with some thought-provoking images and are followed by open ended que...

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