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8 anti-bullying displays to foster friendship in schools

  • by: Anna from Pobble
  • On: 6, Oct 2021
27 min read

8 anti-bullying displays to foster friendship in schools

Bullying is a major issue for schools and there are oodles of great resources out there to help educators combat it. To further promote friendship and kindness in your school, a display in a frequentl...

10 min read

Using Formative Assessment to engage reluctant writers

Originally published at

Supporting your child with spelling at home

Learning to spell can seem an impossible task to children and probably the least fun of all their learning challenges. These spelling tips and tricks can help make learning how to spell fun and much s...

Winter prompts to inspire wonderful writing

As winter sets in, the frost, snow and ice make for a magical setting. Great for firing up imaginations. We’ve gathered six of our favourite Wintery writing prompts from Pobble 365. Each one comes wit...

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10 of the best anti-bullying resources

According to Ditch The Label, 1-in-2 have experienced bullying, this is a startling fact and highlights the essential need to educate children about the issues surrounding bullying. There’s an abundan...

9 ingenious classroom ideas you’ll want to try!

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7 ways to boost teacher morale and wellbeing

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Whole class games to fill a gap

There are times in class where you have a few spare minutes and it’s hard to find something to avoid the class descending into chaos. Don’t waste this time, use it as ‘sponge time’. Time that soaks up...

15 min read

Word Power — a unique approach to vocabulary learning

We love to hear brilliant teaching ideas from the Pobble community. When we heard about a dynamic group of vocabulary superheroes, helping pupils to unlock, power up, charge and recharge language lear...

My best lesson: developing persuasive writing skills using toys

Keeping your class on top form in writing lessons is a challenge, especially once they reach the top end of primary school. For many the mention of writing has them slumped in their chairs and grumbli...

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