Pobble is growing quickly, not only in the size of our global community of teachers and pupils but also in terms of new features!
Your feedback helps us to shape the future of Pobble. We're thrilled to share our latest 2021 product updates, many of which were directly driven by your comments and opinions. 🚀
New features

- Moderation tool - You can now take your writing moderation online with our brand new moderation tool. Our moderation tool takes the stress out of setting up and running a writing moderation meeting and makes it easier to moderate with other schools!
- Permission to publish - We've made confirming permission to publish far easier for schools - just access your pupil dashboard and you can now confirm permissions in bulk. Publishing your children's work gives them a greater purpose to write as their work is visible to a global audience of hundreds of thousands of teachers and pupils across the Pobble community.
- Build your own success criteria - Pick from our pre-filled objectives and prompts, with filtering by writing genre, age group, and level. See it in action below! Our success criteria builder helps to improve writing as your children know what their writing needs to include and they can peer and self assess against the criteria!

- Export parent and pupil codes - Easily export and share codes with your parents and pupils so they can log in to Pobble. Pupils will be able to access the lessons you send them as well as Pobble 365, theme-based lessons and other children's writing examples - perfect for promoting independent learning.
- Upload and publish PDF files - We now support the uploading of PDF files alongside other image file types for children's work. This makes it easier for you to upload your child's writing in whatever format it is in.
- Additional subscription options for you - You can now subscribe to Pobble on a monthly basis, or purchase a package online for your whole school. We hope that the greater flexibility means that you can find the package that works best for you and your teaching team.
- A new home for Pobble 365 - Pobble 365 will now sit within a new home on the Pobble platform (www.pobble.com). You'll still find all the same wonderful images and writing activities that you love. However, you'll also find a significantly enhanced design and a number of new features that will allow you to do so much more with Pobble 365! Read more about our Pobble 365 update here.
Ready to try out our new features?